Feast of St. Mary Mazzarello Celebration - Boarding
Boarding girls celebrated the Feast of St. Mary Mazzarello.

Feast of St. Mary Mazzarello Celebration - Boarding
On 14th July, the Boarding girls celebrated the Feast of St. Mary Mazzarello. The celebration began with beautiful prayer moment, where they highlighted the messages of St. Mary Mazzarello through her letters to the sisters. Following the prayers, they performed a short skit depicting the life of St. Mary Mazzarello. Anjali Hadas one of the children wrote the skit herself. The girls expressed their gratitude to the sisters for their continued good work in caring for them. Sr. Agatha Dias then delivered an inspiring message, noting that although St. Mary Mazzarello was uneducated, she learned to read and write by sitting with the young girls. Sr. Agatha encouraged everyone to educate themselves and strive to be good individuals, just as St. Mary Mazzarello did. The programme concluded with the distribution of Ladoos to everyone.