September 27, 2017


On 15th August 2017, we the sisters and the boarders of Jag Prakash  Kanya Chatralay, Pansora began our Marian month to honour Our Blessed Mother. The theme for the month was ‘Mary is the mother of our family’. The statue of Our Blessed Mother was well decorated. We began this month with a prayer service. During this month we animated various activities with our boarders like composing songs on Mary,

Navratri celebrations at Jag Prakash,Pansora!

On 23rd September along with the village children who belong to six diffenrt villages, we had the celebration of Navartri with the village tuitions children of six villages. They arrived with full of gusto to play the Garba. Garba is one of the popular festivals in Gujarat, where women dance to their hearts’ content. We had the Garba competitions according to their villages and at the end played the Garba