AMAR # 1033 The Hope of M.M Mumbai Meets at MYC!

AMAR # 1033 The Hope of M.M Mumbai Meets at MYC!

We, the Temporary Professed Sisters of M.M Mumbai were delighted to meet each other. The meeting commenced on 18th October 2019.

For the first two days, we were divided into two batches for their personal development. The Sisters of the First and the Second years of the profession had the Aptitude Test conducted by Ms. Celine Martins which helped us to understand ourselves better. The Sisters of the third to the seventh year of profession had a psychology test on the first day. The second day was more interesting as we were helped to understand the functioning of the VTC center in the Province by Sr.Rosaline Pereira and her team. The team made us aware of the Ministry of Skill Development and life skills. Sr. Caroline Menezes, the animator of Mazzarello Youth Centre guided the young Sisters to understand the real meaning of the Holistic Approach towards the Child Care Homes. We, the temporary Professed understood the value of having a motherly heart to cater to the children entrusted in our care.

Something new was initiated for us- the Ethics of Administration and Accounting. Sr.Pinky Mendonsa in all her simplicity and patience taught us to do bank transactions so that we may render our help in the communities. The aim was also to help us to learn accounts to be able to put our hands in everything. The following two days were more enriching as we learnt the Theology of the body. It has helped us to know the importance of our sexuality. Mr. Valentine Coelho and Mrs. Anna Coelho with their life experiences helped us to know the importance of marriage and celibacy. We felt privileged to be addressed as the ‘Brides of Christ’ as they told us the importance of being consecrated women.

And not forgetting… the enriching conferences of our dear Sr. Supriya Noronha. We thank her for the special interest that she takes in our formation. She dwelt on the ‘Perfume of Charity’… taken not from any book but from her own life experiences.

At the end of these four days i.e on 21st October, we feel proud to have got the opportunity to be part of these enriching experiences offered to us by the province. With grateful hearts, we thank our dear Provincial, Sr. Ritha Dora Thomas for her love and interest in us.


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