AMAR # 856 Yoga Day at Auxilium, Caranzalem

AMAR # 856 Yoga Day at Auxilium, Caranzalem

Many people all over the world are becoming aware of the importance of Yoga for our health and well-being. Yoga has its cradle in India as practiced by sages and wise men centuries ago. We are re-awakening ourselves by realising its benefits and introducing it in schools so that the students can go through an integral development along with other forms of learning. Our school observed this day by sending a group of 40 students to participate in the State level yoga day celebration at the community hall, Taleigao. There were around 500-600 students from various schools present there. In school too, our P.E teacher Mr. Jose Lopes conducted various forms of yoga and meditation for the students.

It was enriching and good to see that our students, who are otherwise noisy and restless in class, could calm themselves down into various breathing exercises and asanas.



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