AMAR # 1303 Gratitude Day at Auxilium Baroda!

AMAR # 1303 Gratitude Day at Auxilium Baroda!

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It is regarded as a virtue that not only shapes our emotions and thoughts but also our actions and deeds. To develop a constant feeling of gratitude Auxilium Convent School, Baroda celebrated Gratitude Day on 12th December 2020 to acknowledge and appreciate the Sisters.

The teaching and the non- teaching staff got actively involved in the celebration. The programme began with a prayer moment, invoking the blessings of God. Saplings were then presented to all the sisters as a token of love and gratitude. The most laudable part of this endeavour was in the form of dances, poems and songs to express their love and gratitude to the sisters.

The school manager Rev. Sr. Priscilla Travasso appreciated the efforts made by all. She thanked our Principal Sr. Philomena Lobo, the sisters, teaching and non-teaching staff for carrying on their responsibilities effectively and with a deep sense of belonging. She inspired and encouraged us with her pristine words to thank God for the elements of life. She said; that Gratitude is more of a compliment to yourself than someone else. It is when memory is stored in the heart and not only in the mind. She also added that we should be aware that we are unable to do things all by ourselves and be grateful to all those who participate and support us in making things happen. She nourished us with her golden words, inspiring us to be grateful to God who has blest us with intangible treasures of love and truth.

In appreciation for all that the teachers had done, the Sisters expressed their sentiments of gratitude through a song. Having sat for a little too long it was time to shake a leg. The teachers organized a few games for the sisters. All present grooved to some latest ‘Garba’ beats. It was a wonderful morning that ended with refreshments, photo sessions, and an exchange of greetings.

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