AMAR # 1335 S. Cooperators Meet Christ Under Mahape Bridge

AMAR # 1335 S. Cooperators Meet Christ Under Mahape Bridge

The Salesian Cooperators of the Anmol Koparkhairane Unit celebrated Christmas with a unique Salesian Family initiative on 13th December 2020 under the Mahape Bridge at Koparkhairane.  The Sisters went and scouted the place and made the initial contacts; the Salesian Cooperators contributed towards the programme; the girls at Anmol Shelter Home stitched bags for each family and helped in packing the foodgrains.  Each Cooperator brought something to share and above all each one was truly enthusiastic to be there in this very poor area, despite the pandemic.  The joy of wanting to meet Christ among these less fortunate was very evident.

The entire group went there well prepared.  We spoke to the people as to why we were there and then Mrs. Helen Anthony told them about the joy of Christmas we wanted to share with them.  Mrs. Roseline Kharath led them into prayer; we were truly struck by their disposition to pray, and they also sang some bhajans that they knew.

We then gave gifts and snacks to the children and to 50 families a bag of goodies, which were accepted with much love.  The Salesian Cooperators let nothing prevent them in spending time to interact with the people. Each one was filled with joy, some were overwhelmed, some deeply felt the presence of Christ there in this humble place. 

The Salesian Cooperators were grateful to the Sisters for accompanying them and returned home feeling blessed.

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