AMAR # 1814 “Say NO to plastic” at Keshnand

AMAR # 1814 “Say NO to plastic” at Keshnand

Plastic is one of the most widely used materials in today’s world. It has become a part of our everyday lives. As we cannot live without money, so without plastic. However, the use of plastic has caused a lot of damage to the environment. The vicinity around Keshnand is awful with plastic littered all over. It is very sad to see plastic thrown right in front of Shri Jogeshwari School, where our children of Maria Sharan go to school.

On 24th June 2023 at 4.30 p.m, the girls of Maria Sharan, Keshnand prepared posters with slogans like “Plastic mukt Keshnand ganv” and shouted slogans – “Pariyavaracha rakha mhaan, thevvach banel desh mahaan” etc. Our girls also went to the shops and advised the shop owners to stop giving plastic bags to the customers, instead then should get their own cloth bags. I am sure it was an inspiring moment for all the people of locality as our girls picked plastic wrappers along the roadside and also in the market area. We pledge ourselves to sensitise our young people to keep our places clean, green and plastic free!

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