AMAR # 1878 Feast of St. Mary Mazzarello at Ahmednagar

AMAR # 1878 Feast of St. Mary Mazzarello at Ahmednagar

On the 13th of July 2023, the feast of St. Mary Mazzarello was celebrated with great pomp and glory at Auxilium Convent School Ahmednagar. The programme started with escorting all the sisters along with a student dressed as Mary Mazzarello. A prayer service followed by a dance was put up by the students. a short but thought-worthy skit was presented wherein Mother Mazzarello addressed the students of today giving the message of kindness, patience, humility, humanity and the power of prayer.

Rev Sr Rita Lobo, Manager spoke about the life of Mary Mazzarello and asked the students to develop sensitivity, she also wished a happy feast to the students. The day was also celebrated with an inter-house singing competition. the four houses were given topics beforehand. Mr. Gaurav Misal, Asst Prof at Ahmednagar College and alumni of Auxilium and Ms. Merlin were invited as judges for the day.

The Blue House teachers under the able guidance of the Principal Sr Nilima and the Primary Headmistress Sr. Reshma took up charge of the programme. The programme ended with the distribution of sweet delicious biscuits to the students.

We continue to spread the love of God through our thoughts and deeds.   

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