AMAR # 2067 Sports Day at Maria Vihar

AMAR # 2067 Sports Day at Maria Vihar

In honour of St. John Bosco on 28th January 2024 in Maria Vihar Youth Centre we had the Sports day for our boarders and hostelites. We had different indoor and outdoor games for our youngsters. We begin with a short prayer by Sr. Jean Colas. Then Sr. Hilda declared the Sports day opened. All the 4 leaders took the oath together with their members. Then Sr. Hilda Mascarenhas spoke, Don Bosco gave importance to integral education that is spiritual, Intellectual, physical, emotional, and physical. He said run, jump, play do all the noise but do not sin. Then Sr. Priya Tauro and Sr. Urvashi Makwana together with other sisters of the community animated the games. All the youngsters took part actively and enjoyed it to the full. In the end, all got prizes and enjoyed the ice cream. We thank God for our founder and friend of youth.

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