AMAR # 2087 Nandgad celebrates Gratitude Day

AMAR # 2087 Nandgad celebrates Gratitude Day

“We say thank you” was the slogan on every mouth as the sisters were warmly welcomed for a meaningful celebration.  With aarati and dance the students welcomed the sisters in the hall.  Through a short yet meaningful prayer moment, the students and teachers rendered thanks to God for the gift of all the sisters in the school.

A short programme was staged on this occasion which included song, dance, mimicry, and a comedy skit.  The students offered handmade cards to all the sisters and expressed their thanks and appreciation.  The teachers offered a Bluetooth for the sisters as a token of their love and appreciation.

After the programme a few games were played to entertain the teachers.  The teachers organized a lunch together with the support staff to make this event a memorable one. 

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