Creativity is intelligence having fun. – Albert Einstein

Auxilium Convent High School Baroda organized the Summer Club from April 15th to April 25th, 2024. This initiative aimed to provide students of standards 1-8, of both the English and Gujarati mediums, with opportunities for creative expression and skill development in a fun and supportive environment.

The students of the primary section engaged in diverse activities for holistic development. They honed fine motor skills and patience through stitching and enhanced creativity with drawing. Recreational games fostered teamwork, while hands-on projects like bird feeders, flower arrangements, bags, and puppets allowed for further creativity exploration. They also learned about wildlife conservation, cooking skills, traditional crafting techniques, environmental stewardship, cultural traditions, and healthy eating habits. Activities such as painting, puppet making, salad dressing, and first aid box construction provided additional learning opportunities. Culinary arts, music, yoga, and Zumba sessions added fun and fitness, ensuring a well-rounded experience for all.

Students of the secondary section explored jewellery crafting, enhancing styling skills with scarves, ties, and stoles. Engaging in envelope design, basic stitching, and water games fostered creativity and practical skills. Painting sessions stimulated artistic talent while beautifying rough books and flower pots showcased creativity. Fireless cooking, hairstyling, and makeup workshops further enriched skills, while a thrilling treasure hunt promoted teamwork and adventure.

The club culminated in a vibrant fashion and talent show, where participants showcased their creativity and flair. The joyous food party and dance session fostered friendship and celebrated the accomplishments of all participants.

A heartfelt thank you goes to the Principal Sr Philomena Lobo for initiating this enriching experience, the dedicated teachers and the past pupils who generously shared their time and expertise. The cooperation of parents also played a vital role in making this summer club a success.

It was truly a delightful summer adventure for 300 students, filled with as they dove into a world of laughter, learning, and friendship making the most of their time, learning new skills and cherishing every moment.

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