AMAR #474 Investiture at Aux-Carona

AMAR #474 Investiture at Aux-Carona
‘Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”

The Investiture ceremony of Auxilium Primary School Carona for the academic year 2018 – 2019 was held on 30th June in the School assembly hall. The ceremony began with a meaningful prayer moment. The leaders came in procession with a lighted lamp which signified the removal of darkness and the continuous upward movement of the flame denotes the path of wisdom and divinity.

 The leaders were formally vested with responsibility entrusted to each one of them and were given sash, and scarves.  As they took the oath, they affirmed that they would abide by the rules and regulations of the school and faithfully perform their duties to the best of their abilities.  Finally, the animator Sr. Rosy congratulated the leaders and urged them to be faithful to their responsibility and commitment. At the end of the oath-taking ceremony, the leaders in unison sang a thanksgiving hymn to the Lord.

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