AMAR # 863 Marian Month at Auxilium and LV Niwas Ahmednagar!

AMAR # 863 Marian Month at Auxilium and LV Niwas Ahmednagar!

“Like Mary, generate life to all” is the theme of our Marian month which began on 15 July and will conclude on 15 August 2019. Our Blessed Mother was welcomed in the school in a glorious procession. Each class creatively animates the morning assemblies based on their respective themes for the day. There is no dearth of creative energy at Auxilium Ahmednagar and what proves this fact are the highly educative and motivating assemblies decorated with attractive backdrops, notice boards, skits, hymns, dances, and songs.

In the community also we welcomed Our Blessed Mother into our hearts and home with a meaningful and reflective prayer moment which invited everyone to imbibe Mary’s virtues of obedience, service, empathy, and selflessness. “Do whatever He tells you” were the catchwords around which the prayer service revolved. The students of the Community College look forward to an enriching and fruitful experience with Mary during this Marian Month.


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