The ‘Leadership Training’ held in SJTC Lonavla dated 26th -29th November 2017 included 34 participants. Fr. Dudley Mendonca SJ animated the 4 days training. The participants were the animators of the various communities and Provincial Team. The day was well spaced out with input sessions and time for reflection. The topics dealt by Fr. Dudley were gradual in taking us back to the family Genogram. The N.C.D. Procedure ie. NAMING, CLAIMING, DRAINING was explained in order to heal ourselves from our deep seated wounds.  The Psyco-spiritual Spectrum created lot of awareness in depth to help us be life giving animators. We were taught to distinguish our affects, feelings and emotions which lead to the various moods and behavioral patterns. Trust is the Corner Stone of the Community and therefore techniques were imparted to develop trust at personal and community level. The qualities of Trust that is Openness, Sharing and Acceptance were explained to us well and simplified. The Listening skill too was strengthened with practical demo in groups of 3 ie speaker, listener and observer.  Few tips were also provided to help us be aware of the causes of our failure in being effective leaders. Later on 13 Hints on Leadership were elaborated. The various activities to know oneself as Autocratic, Democratic and Laissez-faire leaders helped us to understand and improve our leadership role. The climax of the entire training was ‘How I Act in Conflicts’. The 35 listed proverbs answered individually were a help to evaluate our own style of managing conflicts in our communities. This training has helped us to get in touch with our deeper selves and understand our own behaviour.  It has also challenged us to change what is not helpful. The concluding topic ‘Community For Mission’ gave us an insight to “Get up and walk” Lk 5:23.

The seminar was indeed an apt need for the animators therefore we thank the provincial and her team for organizing it. We also extend our thanks to the hosting communities of Lonavla. 


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