The Festival of Culture at SJTC, Lonavla

The Festival of Culture at SJTC, Lonavla

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SJTC, Lonavala, January 17- 2015: The festival of culture was celebrated for three days at St. Joseph Training Center, by the candidate and the sisters to show their unity in diversity. India is a mufti cultured country where people follow different cultures, traditions, and religions but yet all are one.

This festival gave us information about different states specially Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa and Karnataka. The Prayer moments    were beautifully animated in different languages.

???????????????????????????????The Food festival depicted dishes from various states, very    deliciously prepared by the candidates from the different states. Each one learnt some words of Marathi, Konkani, Guajarati and Kanada. These days were really enriching for each one of us. We thank Sr. Leema Rose, Sr. Assumption and Sr. Anita for taking the initiative of having this Cultural Day Programme. We thank God for our Mother India who is so rich in tradition and culture. Though we are all form different states yet we are all one in Christ.  (Smith Gonsalves )

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