AMAR # 1039 4th Day of the Provincial Chapter!

AMAR # 1039 4th Day of the Provincial Chapter!

The Provincial Chapter entered into the fourth day, with the dawn of 18th November, led into the presence of the Divine within us by Sr. Santana Pereira.

This day marked the celebration of the gift of life of Sr. Teresa Joseph and Sr. Latha Arogyaswamy.

The assembly was guided to invite God into our midst, by Sr. Elphina Rodrigues. The theme for the day was “Communities journeying with a prophetic missionary spirit”. To begin with, Sr. Supriya Noronha read out the minutes of the previous day.

The moderators Sr. Philomena D’Souza, Sr. Teresa Joseph, Sr. Agatha Dias were invited at different intervals to complete the final document. During the afternoon session, the Provincial and the Vice-Provincial shared the deliberations of the last Chapter, and how they were implemented. In the evening we had sector-wise discussions to formulate deliberations for our own sectors.

After supper, we all gathered together for a moment of thanksgiving during which each commission took turns to thank the on-stage and backstage personalities who contributed in some way or the other,  for the fruitfulness of the Provincial Chapter and the Provincial gifted them tokens of gratitude.

The day ended with a collective feeling of gratitude pervading the atmosphere.

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