AMAR # 1841 Investiture Ceremony at Auxilium Pansora

AMAR # 1841 Investiture Ceremony at Auxilium Pansora

“A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see and who sees before others see.” – Leroy Eimes

On 11 July 2023, at Auxilium Pansora we had the Investiture Ceremony. The young leaders proudly marched ahead and were vested with sashes, scarves and badges. Sr. Nayana Vankar, the animator conveyed the message that leaders are persons who lead others through their good example. The headmistress, Sr. Sunita Dabhi congratulated the parents for their children and asked them to collaborate with the responsibilities and of the school.

The parents of the leaders who were present for the occasion and were delighted to see their children as young leaders of Auxilium.

The function ended by singing the School Anthem with joy and pride.

1 Comment

  1. It was a pleasure to organize a very nice program and we hope that our children will get good leadership and constructive guidance under your tutelage.
    A big thank you to the principal and all the teacher…


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