AMAR # 724 Gratitude Day at Aux-Baroda

AMAR # 724 Gratitude Day at Aux-Baroda

On the auspicious occasion of Gratitude Day, it was delightful and heartwarming to witness the whole of Auxilium Convent High School both English and Gujarati medium, congregate in order to express their love and gratitude for the Sisters of the school.

12th January was set aside to showcase gratitude for all the things often taken for granted.

With a fitting start to the day and a deep and sincere prayer to the Almighty, the programme began on an enthusiastic note. The synergetic performances, which included dance, role play, and songs, brought immense joy to the Sisters.

The students, teachers and the non-teaching staff utilized this opportunity to convey their profound admiration and affection for all the sisters. The entire event ended on a wonderful note with the poetic and graceful messages of love, peace, and harmony conveyed by our animator Sr. Rita Lobo, in her eloquent address to the entire gathering.

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