Mumbai (INB)

AMAR # 528 Inaugural Day at Dakor

We had our inaugural day of our ITI Pushpanjali Dakor on 16/08/2018. There were 50 students and 40 parents were present for the program. We began the programme at 10.30 am with short prayer and then followed by warm welcome of our honorable guest Kantibhai (MLA Thasra), Dr. Geeta Parmar (Gopi Hospital Dakor), Vala Narsinhbhai (Sarpanch Vanoti), Br. Justus Mendis (Principal. English Med. Don Bosco –Dakor), Mr. Amrutbhai Rohit (Advocate)

AMAR # 527 Occasions at Aux Lonavla

15th August 2018 Long live India! Vande Mataram! Bharat Matha Ki Jai! These and other patriotic slogans have the order of the day as our school joined the nation in celebrating India’s independence day has a double cause for celebration the feast of the Assumption of our Blessed Mother Mary. It also makes the start of the Marian month that is observed in the school. The Chief Guest for the

AMAR # 526 Marian Month at Ahmednagar

A good mother is irreplaceable and much more is our Heavenly Mother! On 16th July, feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel we began our Marian month around our beloved mother.  We pledged our love for Mary as we gathered around her and began the Marian month with a beautiful prayer service.  We sang songs galore to revere our Blessed Mother. And every week we had different activities to honour


    “It’s fun and joy to meet our friends together after many years or a long time.”  Yes the AUXILIUM WADALA CAMPUS was filled with joy and fun as our Past Pupils from the batch 1964 to 2018 got together on 15th August at 5.30 pm at Sr. Berta’s hall-MYC. The programme began with the registration by Sr. Anita Tairipascu and core team members of the Past Pupil from. At

AMAR # 524 An unique celebration at Ashish Bhavan, Kune

The boarding girls and few villagers gathered at our chapel to honor Mary our Mother and to pray for our country India. Fr. Xavier Devdas sdb was the main celebrant on the occasion. He spoke to the gathering ‘why Mary should be honored?  God in his goodness chose her to be the mother of His Son Jesus and our Mother too. She goes to heaven and is continually praying for

AMAR # 523 Marian month at Bableshwar

We the community of Baleshwar began Marian Month On the 15th of July 2018. Our Theme was “BORN TO BE OUR HOPE & JOY”.   During the month Sisters creatively animated the Rosary by praying for the various intentions. On the 12th August Marian day was organized for the children of the vicinity,33 children attended the programme. We began with prayer moment than we divided the children into four groups.


  Celebrating two notable events on 15th August is a special day- A day filled with gratitude and appreciation.  The Assumption of our Lady into heaven and the 71st anniversary of India’s independence. Both events speak of the same fact- Liberation from bondage. These two great events were celebrated in a very grand measure at AUXILIUM WADALA. On the 14th of August, our Primary students celebrated Independence Day and the

AMAR # 521 Marian Nite at Anmol Koparkhairane

“ Mary is present in our lives” On the eve of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we the sisters and girls of Anmol, Koparkhairane, honoured our mother and guide, by spending the evening in her name. We began the celebrations of the solemnity with the vigil service, beautifully animated by Sr. Joanna Lobo. The animated prayer moment set the tone for the next part of

AMAR # 520 SALESIAN CO-OPERATORS  outreach programme at ANMOL Rabale

On 15th August 2018 on the occasion of the Independence Day, the Anmol Milan conducted at Rabale was blessed by the presence of the Salesian Co-operators Mrs. Eunice, Mrs. Julius Mr. Ramesh Kharat and Mrs. Rosaline Kharat of the ANMOL Koparkhairane unit. Mrs. Eunice brought her children along to give them an exposure of this reality.  We began the program at around 11.15 am. The program was well organized by our outreach Trs.

AMAR # 519 Independence Day at  ANMOL

15th August 2018, was a great day for all of us here in Anmol and for all our outreach centres. The day dawned with a lot of excitement for it was the 72nd Independence Day of our country, the day on which we remember the great sacrifices done by our freedom fighters to free us from the slavery of the British rule. The children from our 8 outreach centres attended the Anmol